Amalur sotfware Apps

Cocteles 1.0
Decenas de recetas de cócteles para que tupróxima fiesta sea todo un éxito.Ya seas un barman experimentado o alguien que quiera experimentaralgún combinado diferente a los típicos cubatas, copas de whisky oron, esta guía de cócteles te ayudara a preparar copas y bebidas defiesta de una manera fácil. Te indicamos todos los ingredientes ydamos consejos para su presentación.Ya no tendrás que preocuparte de que servir para animar tufiesta, incluso hay recetas de preparados sin alcohol, paraaquellos que deban conducir luego o no quieran beber.Dozens of cocktailrecipes for your next party a success.Whether you're an experienced bartender or someone who wants toexperience a different combination of typical mixed drinks, shotsof whiskey or rum, this guide will help you prepare cocktails andparty drinks cups in an easy way. We show you all the ingredientsand give advice for your presentation.You will not have to worry about serving to animate your party,there are even non-alcoholic recipes prepared, for those who mustdrive after drinking or unwilling.
Postres faciles 1.1
Nunca cocinar fue tan fácil. Con estacolección de 67 recetas de postres, de sencilla elaboración, podrásdeleitar a tus amigos y familiares con sorprendentes tartas,deliciosas galletas, flanes y todo tipo de dulces.Ya no tienes escusas para ponerte a cocinar. Cada una de las 67recetas de esta aplicación son sencillas de realizar, y están bienexplicadas para que no te suponga ningún problema.Cada receta de los postres están detalladas tanto en susingredientes como en los pasos de su elaboración de una forma claray concisa, tanto, que hasta los mas pequeños de la casa podríanayudar en la cocinaDisfrutar de estos postres.Cook never been easier.With this collection of 67 recipes for desserts, simplepreparation, you'll delight your friends and family with amazingcakes, delicious cookies, puddings and all kinds of sweets.You no longer have excuses to get cooking. Each of the 67recipes in this application are simple to perform and are wellexplained so you will not pose any problem.Each recipe desserts are detailed both in its ingredients as inthe steps of developing a clear and concise manner, so that eventhe smallest of the house could help in the kitchenEnjoy these desserts.
Recetas Vascas 2.0
La cocina Vasca esta entre las mas valoradasdel mundo. Los cocineros de Euskadi han expandido nuestra culturagastronómica por todos los rincones del mundo, pero aun hay platosque no se han popularizado demasiado: los que cocinaban sus abuelasy sus madres, la cocina tradicional.Ahora podrás cocinar decenas de platos tradicionales de estatierra. Desde pescados a carnes, de entrantes a postres, todo tipode platos que están esperando a que los cocines comodamente en tucasa.Basque cuisine is amongthe most valued in the world. Basque chefs have expanded our foodculture in every corner of the world, yet there are dishes thathave become popular too: those who cooked their grandmothers andtheir mothers, traditional cuisine.Now you can cook dozens of traditional dishes of this land. Fromfish to meat, starters to desserts, all kinds of dishes that arewaiting for you to cook at home comfortably.
Cupcake recipes 1.0
Cupcake recipes app will show you thewonderful of mini confectionery.With a growing amount of recipes, soon you will learn to bakedelicious cucpcakes, easy to made and very colourful.For the moment, there are available 20 diferent recipes ofcupcakes. some of them with their own frosting inside, and 6 uniqueIcing recipes to top your favourite cupcakesAs a feature in this app, we have added a timer so you can keepthe track of time your cupcakes are in the oven.With the next updates, more recipes will be available.Enjoy this app.
Kinito 1.2
This app shows diferent types of drinkinggames always available for you in your celularIts lightweight and works on old mobole phones tooDrink responsabily
Tarot runas vikingas 1.1
El antiguo oráculo vikingo, ahora entudispositivo android.Gracias al poder que encierran las runas vikingas, ahorapodrásver a través del velo del destino. Este tarot, con mas de milañosde historia te permitirá adelantarte a los acontecimientos queteprepara el destino.Con tres tipos de tiradas de runas diferentes y una bibliotecaderunas en la que podras ver el significado que encierra cada unodelos 25 símbolos de este tarot, el futuro no tendra secretosparati.Consigue adentrarte en los misterios que guardan lasantiguasrunas, base del alfabeto escandinavo futhark.The ancient Vikingoracle,now on your android device.Thanks to the power that lies in Viking runes, now you canseethrough the veil of fate. This tarot, with more than athousandyears of history will you come on to the events that willpreparethe destination.With three types of runs of different runes runes and alibrarywhere you can see the meaning that encloses each of the 25symbolsof the tarot, the future will have no secrets for you.Get delve into the mysteries that keep the ancientrunes,Scandinavian futhark alphabet basis.
Drinking games 2.0 2.0
With this app you will have all yourfavouritedrinking games on your mobilefor the moment, six games are available:King's cupKinitoMister threeBlack or redGreater, lower or same7-14-21
Recetas rapidas en 15 minutos 1.0
En esta aplicación de cocina encontraras40recetas sencillas, fáciles de realizar y sabrosas.No dudes en ponerte a cocinar. con estas recetas, sorprenderásatodo el mundo: prepara deliciosas ensaladas, postres caserosyplatos principales, ya sean de verdura o carne, y todas ellasenmenos de 15 minutos.(rapidísimo, para aquellos que notienentiempo)No es necesario que seas un buen cocinero, cualquiera puedehacerestas recetas.In this applicationyouwill find 40 recipes cooking simple, easy to make and tasty.Do not hesitate to cook. with these recipes, surprisedeveryone:prepare delicious salads, homemade desserts and maindishes,whether of vegetable or meat, and all in less than 15minutes.(very fast, for those who have no time)It is not necessary to be a good cook, anyone can maketheserecipes.
Fart and belch soundboard 1.0
This sounboard has a collection ofdiferentfart and belch sounds, categorized in 2 tabs, you have easyaccesto any of the sound you are looking for.the sounds are takenfrom,and, and the sounds used in the appareof public domain and royalty free